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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Maiden Voyage

First of all I have to say how excited I am to be writing this blog! You may be wondering "Who is Sprout Marketing Boutique?" and "Why does it matter to me?"  Hopefully I can answer those questions to your satisfaction! And hopefully you'll keep reading our blog!

Sprout Marketing Boutique was created by Barbara Savona (that's me) and my wonderfully talented partner, Jordan Unsworth.  Jordan and I met while we were both working for the very large media company, For Rent Media Solutions.  During that time, we realized that we both had a passion for marketing and training!  What we loved most about our job, was offering our clients solutions through budget friendly marketing.  The training we offered helped keep the job fun and interesting...two things that many times go out the window when you've been working in any industry for too long.

Sadly though, the marketing and training was only part of our job and we would often ask ourselves, "Why can't we do this fun stuff all the time?"   And then we really began to wonder, "Why can't we do this all the time?"

Well there were actually plenty of "why not's!"   The reality was that we were being held back by a fear of failure, a crumbling economy, and bills that just wouldn't wait for anyone!

But sometimes you've just got to take the plunge! So we did! We took a plunge...a really big plunge,we quit our really great full time job (you know...the one with a regular paycheck), and started The Sprout Marketing Boutique! So here we are!

Our industry, the multi-family industry, offers so many great services! But we saw a need for a place that our colleagues could turn to for help in marketing their communities.

There are plenty of great places to advertise, but this is only part of a marketing package.  Through Sprout Marketing Boutique, we wanted to fill in the gaps! What are some of those gaps?  Fun, fresh, innovative ways to keep your community on top! When your in the day to day grind of running a community, sometimes it's hard to be creative!  The phone is ringing off the hook, the resident in #209 is angry because their toiled overflowed AGAIN, and your best maintenance guy just quit! At the same time, your supervisor wants those reports that were do an hour ago.  And your property was supposed to be at yesterday! Creativity is the last thing on your mind! So that's where we come in!

And that's why you should continue to visit our blog! We will post regularly fun and new ideas...WITH VISUALS to help keep those creative juices flowing!  Tell your friends to visit our blog too!

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