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Friday, January 15, 2010

In the Closet

Today the focus is to think OUTSIDE THE CLOSET!

Every apartment community has some sort of closet space...small closets, pantries, walk-in closets, and nooks!

But what you do with your closet space is what will set you apart from your competition!  Why does a closet space have to be ordinary? For me, my closet is my haven...a piece of the home that I don't have to share with anyone.

Create a lifestyle with your closet space.  Here are just a few ideas:

1. Turn a closet into an Office Work Space

2. From Closet to Craft Zone

3.  Turn a closet into a Bar Area

4. Former Closet-Now: Pet Haven

5. Turn a closet into a Dressing Room


  1. I like this idea. I have my desk in my closet just because I know other place for it. I have been thinking about getting rid of it, but now I might actually think about painting the wall behind it and making it more into a little mini office. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I would love to be able to do this at home! I have always wanted to transform my front hall closets into some sort of mud room. But right now I have too many things to hide behind the door!
